Workshop Resources
Huyck, David and Sarah Park Dahlen. (2019 June 19). Diversity in Children’s Books 2018. blog.
Session 1: August 17, 2021
Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC): Diversity Statistics.
Sawchuk, S. (2021, May 18). What is critical race theory, and why is it under attack? Education Week.
Homework for October 12th workshop
Please complete one of the following tasks prior to our next workshop:
Use one or more of your new books with students. Be prepared to share that experience with other members of the cohort.
Prepare a book talk on one of the books you received. There will be time to deliver your talk at our next cohort meeting. You may find the information provided in this Scholastic guide helpful.
Session 2: October 12, 2021
Additional Resources
Author Talk Details
Who: Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Time: 4:00-5:30
Location: Ardolf Science Center, Room 142 (College of St. Benedict)
Learn more about the Author & her Book: Refugenius
Homework for Workshop 3
Children's literature can be used to enhance students' understanding of their personal identities, hopes, and goals and the lived experiences, motivations, and values of others. For our next session, we would like you to select one of the books you received as a member of Open Windows and create a mirrors and windows activity for your students. The goal is to help students reflect on ways the book helps them better understand themselves and others.
Step 1: Select a book
Step 2: Create the activity (e.g., guided reading, discussion questions, graphic organizer, etc.) that will enhance students' understanding of diversity through the metaphor of windows and mirrors
Step 3: Come prepared to share your experiences with others during our next meeting
Note: Please bring the book you use to our next workshop
Session 3: December 8, 2021
​Additional Resources
Winkler, E. Children are not colorblind: How young children learn about race. PACE: Practical Approaches for Continuing Education, 3(3), 1-8.